Thursday 26 July 2012

Out with the Old way of Thinking

Ghosts of our past lay strewn across our suburbs, cities and towns.
The Oxford definition of adapt (verb) is to make suitable for new use or purpose or to modify and become adjusted to new conditions. Similarly the definition of change, to make or become different.

For centuries Architects have been advocating change, not only in the way we plan and construct, but change in our urban fabric and the way we use buildings. By implication this constitutes a revaluation and assessment of our old ways, citizens, building owners and developers alike.

Out with the old way of thinking - adapt to survive change. To paraphrase Simone Cicero...a revolution is at hand.

Food for thought, a TED Talk by Ellen Dunham-Jones:

Image courtesy:
©Psamtik | Stock Free Images &Dreamstime Stock Photos

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